• Grace achieves her Masters Degree - 2025
  • The kids tore down the old kitchen and built a better one - 2025
  • Bob happy to be heading to law school - 2025
  • Mark, Jasper and Shekam helping to finish the apartments, Rev. David supervising - 2025
  • April and Michael with the kids
  • April with one of the children
  • Kids with their Kindle readers
  • Boys with a boda-boda
  • Annual Birthday Party


Thank you for visiting our website!

Shepherd's Love is a non-profit organization dedicated to the support of orphans and widows. 

Our current projects are:

Twinomujuni Children's Home in Kabale, Uganda. 
Twinomujuni currently houses 41 orphans

Roseville Preparatory School in Kabale, Uganda
which currently has 200 students enrolled


"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: 
to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."  James 1:27

Federal Tax ID   26-1173003







  • Current pressing needs

    Most urgent needs at present:   School fees, medical insurance, vehicle insurance and maintenance

    We need more donors - many who have been with us for over 10 years are getting older, having health problems, and some have passed away.  If you can give a monthly donation of any amount, it will help us to keep going for long enough to get the younger kids through high school.  They are working very hard to become more self-sufficient with several small business being started to begin bringing in some funding.  The older boys have a motorcycle taxi service started with some donated motorcycles.  Some of the other children are learning to sew items that sell well to tourists.  The kids are raising rabbits and chickens and a few of the oldest kids have graduated from college or trade school and are looking for employment.  

    We are running about $1000.00 per month short right now to fully fund the normal operations of the orphanage and pay school fees ($1500/mo), medical insurance ($170/mo) and any unforseen maintenance expenses.  Please prayerfully consider being a monthly donor, and ask friends if they can too.   

    You can pay on line by selecting the "Pay Online" option on the lower left section of this page.